About Autogas

Frequently Asked Questions

Things we should pay attention in Conversion to Autogas 

Whether the autogas installers are authorized or carries out conversion job in accordance with the relevant standards is the most important point to be considered. You should check whether the concerned autogas installer holds TSE Service Place Competence Certificate and SMM Office Registration Certificate obtained from Chamber of Mechanical Engineers. You must avoid installers who carry out illegal LPG conversion job and use non-standard materials. 

Do LPG conversion kits have quality standard?

The most important quality standard being valid in Europe and many countries of the world is the standard known as ECE-R 67.01 as well as TSE standard for autogas kits in our country. Products of the companies not carrying out production in accordance with this standard are not approved. All products of our company are manufactured in accordance with ECE-R 67.01 standards.

Does LPG give off odor?

Lpg does not definitely give off odor. Lpg used in your own vehicle never gives off odor. If odor is present, this is a warning and the system must be controlled. It means there is a leakage and it is stopped. There isn’t any risk.

Does LPG reduce engine power?

Properly assembled lpg nevers reduces engine power. On the contrary, engine power of your vehicle may increase. The distance of injectors to manifold and programming quality are very important. 

Does LPG extend the lifetime of the engine?

Lpg does not reduce lifetime of the engine. Properly made and well-programmed assembly does not damage the vehicle. Lpg is drier than gasoline. However, since initial start is made by gasoline, vehicle is not damaged. Also, if you get quality fuel, your vehicle is not damaged. 

Autogas sellers increase the quality of the fuel with the fuel additives put during summer and winter.

After LPG is combusted in the engine, it does not leave any waste in the cylinders. Since the oil film in the cylinder is not ruptured, lifetime of engine parts is extended. Repair cost is reduced. 
Minimum engine octane number (MON) for LPG must be 89 as set forth in European autogas standard EN 589. You must be sure that the LPG you buy has minimum 89 MON in order to prevent adverse affects on the performance and lifetime of your vehicle. 
Is LPG system used in new cars?

Lpg has been used in Europe for 40 years. Many brands use lpg in original production of the vehicles. Chevrolet and fiat has started lpg use on new cars in Turkey. 

Is LPG used in Europe and the World?

Yes, LPG is commonly used in the world. Moreover, lpg use is encouraged in Europe. Lpg-fueled vehicles are tax exempt for 3 years in Belgium. Vehicles enter the traffic in regular turn but lpg-fueled vehicles are free from this rule. Taxis without lpg system have been prohibited from entering the traffic in Japan since 1980.

How much fuel saving I can get?

You can get minimum 50% fuel saving by lpg system; however, depending on the engine size of your vehicle, 60-65% fuel saving has been acquired on some vehicles.

Is LPG system installed on all types of engines?

Sequential lpg system can be installed to all new generation gasoline and injection vehicles.

Points to Consider When Using LPG-fueled Vehicle

Standard-compliant (TS EN 589) autogas should be bought from standard-compliant and reliable stations holding LPG license.

LPG-fueled vehicles must be maintained and controlled regularly just as it is in other-fueled vehicles


Maintenance requirements of a vehicle run on LPG are not different from the one run on gasoline. However, since it is a double-fueled system, vehicle must be run on gasoline at certain intervals for proper function of gasoline-related systems.

Autogas tanks must be filled up to 80% filling capacity of the tank. LPG filling must be carried out only by authorized persons and the vehicle should not be rocked in order that the tank can get more fuel because the system is secure and automatically locked. 20% of LPG tank must be left empty against fluctuations arisen from possible temperature differences. 
Cigarette must never be smoked in the environment where LPG is available. All cigarettes are put off in case of any leakage; engine, electrical accessories, headlights and other ignition sources must be shut down. 

LPG  leakage control must never be carried out by fire. It is extremely dangerous. You must consult to your authorized service as soon as possible. 

You must put up stickers indicating that the vehicle run on LPG on the windshield and rear window of the vehicle. 
How often periodic maintenance should be implemented on Autogas Vehicles?

Maintenance and adjustment of LPG kit assembled must be carried out by the authorized services. 

Air filter cleaning every 3000 km
Gas adjustment in the first 1000 km
Regulator degreasing and adjustment every 10.000 km
Air filter replacement every 10.000 km
Spark plug control and replacement every 10.000 km
Cleaning the filter on LPG valve every 10.000 km
Regulator removal, cleaning of hose and connections and adjustment every 20.000 km
Repair, maintenance and replacement of regulator, gas adjustment, and gas filter every 40.000 km

What I Should Do After Conversion?
Authorized company prepares a file for every vehicle after assembly.

  This file holds:
The invoice issued on behalf of you

    (You must process LPG conversion on your certificate within 1 month as of the invoice date.)

Copy of TSE Serial Modification Type Approval Certificate
Copy of TSE Serial Modification Vehicle Conformity Certificate
Assembly Determination Report by Chamber of Mechanical Engineers
Copy of Certificate of Authority for Conversion of Vehicles to LPG
TSE Service Competence Certificate

At the next stage

ANNEX-1 file is issued before Association of Automobile Owners and Drivers
Vehicle will be controlled by the Chamber of Mechanical Engineers located in the city where authorized company is carrying out its activities. Impermeability report and LPG License will be obtained. Validity period of this report is 1 day. Required controls and tests are carried out and gas impermeability is determined before Vehicle Control Station of Chamber of Mechanical Engineers and then, Assembly Determination Report must be submitted for approval.


   Vehicle inspection must be carried out in Periodic Inspection Stations of General Directorate for Highways and LPG conversion must be registered in Traffic Registration Office and LPG label must be attached on the windscreen of the vehicle.